Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Untitled [Notebook]:

I'll begin with the word, "untitled"; its transparency, and its invisibility,
Heavy with whatever meaning

You'll will it to be. The world will enter here,
Just as unknown, as long as we let it be.

I want to treat each word as a jumper upon a trampoline;
Reaching for the heights, the stars. Keep on, in your den,
Because even the untitled find their place,
Never untouchable,
In their riches
Always striving toward sensibility
As close as my doorstep,
And, a walk outside.

Believe, I cried,
To a world
Too loud to hear.

Even those things untitled,
Are given a place,
And, the choices we make,
Our own.

Never fear,...

...She said. Walk all those roads,


Settle your sights upon home.

`x~William ~ copyright 09/23/09

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